advice. No matter who or what they become, they will always be my personal Heros! I will be the first to defend them....even if I am pissed at them and think they are complete idiots at the time. It is okay for me to call them that, but no one else can! I feel family is very important, but they can't be the source of our happiness. I believe that happiness comes from within and we do not find it in others. I believe that people do not hurt us and that we hurt ourselves by allowing events in our life.
I am soft & gooey! Mushy is how I have described myself before. Sounding a bit like a chocolate chip cookie, I must say that I am one tough cookie! It is true, I can be hurt. I hurt myself the most by the choices I make. I can honestly say in my 42 years that I have zero regrets. I am happy. Even though things are not perfect in my life and I would like some things to be different, I wouldn't have made different choices if I could go back in time. Those of you who are privy all that has gone on, know what I am talking about and only time will tell how things will shake out. I can simply say that life is what I make it on a day to day basis. Some of you have heard me say that I do not look back once I make a decision. I learned this from one of the smartest guys I know. I will never tell him that. I am sure he doesn't read this so....ha ha on him! ( A little brother sister humor!) I know though that when people are true to you they will act on their word. I believe that if they care, they will show it by their actions. I believe that we can not be responsible for the actions of others. Just because we care does not mean that they need to care as well. It also does not mean that we need to not show how we feel. To thine own self be true. I have said before and I will say, again....with me, you will always know where you stand. If I care, I say it! I have, for most of my life followed the rules that were handed down to me. I feel that sometimes these rules worked for me and sometimes against the things I wanted most. I still say that I have no regrets. For all of you, if you have followed rules or not, if you are happy or not..... I made this task. Finish the below sentence as I have, but use your thoughts and your words.
Music Link/Video Pick for this post: Enjoy:
Journey - Don't Stop Believin' your "Fun Friday!" Go out and have a Fantastic Weekend!! keepitbubbly! xox~jeri
Chime in.....What do YOU think? Finish this "Fun Friday" Sentence:
In this Life We All Deserve....
to love & be loved for who we truly are....& not for who people think we are, or for who they want us to be. ~Jeri Menane Sharpe
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