
Quotes to Ponder:

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne (my question....are you going to saddle up?)

"Everyday is new and we should rise to it! Get up each morning with the intention of having a good day."~ Jeri Sharpe

"I would rather people dislike me for who I am, than to like me for who I am not...."

"I believe it is important to watch at least one sunset & sunrise a year. Its a nice gift to Give yourself. "~ Jeri Sharpe

"If it is to be...its up to me! ~ Opportunity is always out there... if you pass on it... if you don't act on it... someone else will!"~ Lorenzo Neal NFL Running Back

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mystical Moments......I think of you often.....I Love You My Cousins...

This morning I was up early and on first look at my facebook page, my cousin had made a comment about a place we lived.  Looking back on it now, we were so lucky.  It was such a wonderful place to experience as a young girl. 

 This mornings musical picks three:

happy fun friday hope you have a wonderful weekend!  keepitbubbly~


(busy morning ....hope these work!)

Wildfire by Michael Martin Murphey

Country Roads by John Denver

Rocky Mountain High by John Denver

 Mystical Moments

High on top of a Mystical Mountain.......
There once lived three kindred little girls........

All with a heart for horses,
A heart for nature & adventure....
All with a heart for good will....

Years pass & yet if you know them
Look to their eyes
There is a chance you may see...

The three still run wild
Through... the flower filled meadows .......
Full gallop, giggles & bliss....

Catch yourself Mystical Moment
Of Lovely little girls in full twirl
tender is that moment not to be missed.....

by Jeri Menane Sharpe 4am 5/16/2010
For Christine Belluschi & Natasha Love Lee
( my Cousins CC & Tashi I LOVE YOU!!!)

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