
Quotes to Ponder:

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne (my question....are you going to saddle up?)

"Everyday is new and we should rise to it! Get up each morning with the intention of having a good day."~ Jeri Sharpe

"I would rather people dislike me for who I am, than to like me for who I am not...."

"I believe it is important to watch at least one sunset & sunrise a year. Its a nice gift to Give yourself. "~ Jeri Sharpe

"If it is to be...its up to me! ~ Opportunity is always out there... if you pass on it... if you don't act on it... someone else will!"~ Lorenzo Neal NFL Running Back

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My True Loves Kiss

~My True Loves Kiss~ 

~ ♥ ~

the way you touched me

 quickly pulled me close

my face in your hands

kissing my lips 

I melted in your embrace


If it had stopped there

maybe It would of been fine

But it seems I still care

Love is mysterious

found only where it truly 


For me it was found

within your kiss...

~ ♥ ~

we always said....

we would be friends

just words to please

to set restless minds at ease... 

~ ♥ ~
change everything.... 
Yet remain true are the facts 
my faithful heart
can no longer look back
~ ♥ ~

I will always love you
~ ♥ ~

 I have no regrets 

~ ♥ ~
 a couple steps back to allow my heart to leap ahead.... 
it's all good... 
I would rather have the chance at true love 
than to never feel a thing....
we never know how much time we have...
live for the now
love with your whole heart
be thankful for a shared path of joy
find peace

I accept not needing to understand everything
:) jeri sharpe

(I always try & find music to go with each post...listen to the words... by title it may seem wrong for this writing & yet somehow it is fitting.)


The Notebook - Never Let Go ~Bryan Adams

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