
Quotes to Ponder:

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne (my question....are you going to saddle up?)

"Everyday is new and we should rise to it! Get up each morning with the intention of having a good day."~ Jeri Sharpe

"I would rather people dislike me for who I am, than to like me for who I am not...."

"I believe it is important to watch at least one sunset & sunrise a year. Its a nice gift to Give yourself. "~ Jeri Sharpe

"If it is to be...its up to me! ~ Opportunity is always out there... if you pass on it... if you don't act on it... someone else will!"~ Lorenzo Neal NFL Running Back

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hello Saturday!

"HAPPINESS IS NOT A STATE; IT IS AN ATTITUDE THAT WE CAN DEVELOP." ~C.J.Golden [Tao of the Defiant Woman Five Brazen Ways to Accept What You Must and Rebel against the Rest, Golden Books ]

There is a lot to do today, to brace for the coming storm this weekend and next week. We are busy checking our supplies and battening down the hatches! I wanted to give you a little food for thought. The first is above and the second is below.

"You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face....You must do the thing you cannot do." ~ ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

I hope the quotes I offer you this morning inspire you to "keep it bubbly" in your life. It is my hope that you will go out there and do something good for yourselves! By taking care yourself, you show the people in your life that you care about them too!
Enjoy your day! ~ xoxox Jeri


  1. Very Inspirational JD, I'm very proud of you,xoxo Mom

  2. Think good thoughts
    Speak good words
    Take good actions
    Three steps that will bring more to you than you can ever imagine (from The Secret daily teachings)
    xoxo Mom


In this Life We All Deserve....