
Quotes to Ponder:

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne (my question....are you going to saddle up?)

"Everyday is new and we should rise to it! Get up each morning with the intention of having a good day."~ Jeri Sharpe

"I would rather people dislike me for who I am, than to like me for who I am not...."

"I believe it is important to watch at least one sunset & sunrise a year. Its a nice gift to Give yourself. "~ Jeri Sharpe

"If it is to be...its up to me! ~ Opportunity is always out there... if you pass on it... if you don't act on it... someone else will!"~ Lorenzo Neal NFL Running Back

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Live, Love, Laugh, & Lather!

As most of you know, in 2006 I began making soap after the most wonderful shower of my life. I had gone to Sedona Arizona for a vacation to visit family and was given a fantastic handmade bar of natural soap. My father's lovely neighbor inspired me with that first "bar" & encouraged me to run with it into this life changing adventure. My research is endless and I have found myself buying every book about soap that I can get my hands on. I am constantly surprised at how much information is available.

In the past three plus years there has been so much bubbling both in my personal life as well as in this business. Through it all I have come to realize that any goal can be attained with the proper attitude. My personal favorite saying is; "positivity gets it done!" Sense I started this business, I have been a member of a trade guild (Handcrafted Soap Maker's Guild ~ 2006-2009). I launched my website & online store at
WWW.CENTRALCOASTSOAPS.COM. I traveled to St. Louis Mo. to attend a conference and I began designing private label soaps. I also donated time and soaps to local charities and featured my soaps in local festivals. I kept it all together in this hard economy by keeping a bubbly attitude.

Every new day is balancing act of being Mom, Wife, Friend & Entrepreneur. How can one person be all four? Well the only way a mom could ever survive is to wear more than one hat. Knowing full well that being a stay at home mom is a full-time gig. I
"LIVE & LOVE" to make soap because I am a creative soul. "Soap is my happy medium!" There is so much you can do with it! It is like cooking and art combined to create one delicious piece of work for your skin. Although my soaps may smell good enough to eat and are made with all natural products, please do not ingest their goodness! They are all products (for external use only) for your skin to enjoy! It is a good feeling to create something that can bring joy to the life of others and at the same time be a useful product. It makes my daily balancing act worthwhile.

The future of this business and a change of name is on the horizon. I have found that the main drive and spirit behind this business has been my enjoyment of bathing. Everyone needs to take time and give back to themselves so they may feel recharged and ready to give to others. If you can not give to yourself, then you can not give to others. Another favorite saying of mine; "Many a joyful hour is spent in the bath, or in the shower!" For my new promotion of "Keep It Bubbly Soaps," I am creating a new fun line of "LAUGH & LATHER" soaps to encourage 'joy' in everyday bathing and take lather to a new level in natural soaps.

As new products are made and curing I will be blogging about them at letting you know the release dates. I will also be adding new product types to the site. While the KEEPITBUBBLYSOAPS.COM site is under construction, all of my products will be available at WWW.CENTRALCOASTSOAPS.COM. Remember to check back periodically to review what is NEW and KEEP it Bubbly!!

It is looking to be a good and exciting spin for twenty-ten!

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In this Life We All Deserve....