
Quotes to Ponder:

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne (my question....are you going to saddle up?)

"Everyday is new and we should rise to it! Get up each morning with the intention of having a good day."~ Jeri Sharpe

"I would rather people dislike me for who I am, than to like me for who I am not...."

"I believe it is important to watch at least one sunset & sunrise a year. Its a nice gift to Give yourself. "~ Jeri Sharpe

"If it is to be...its up to me! ~ Opportunity is always out there... if you pass on it... if you don't act on it... someone else will!"~ Lorenzo Neal NFL Running Back

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday Wisdom

"Sit quietly do nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. ~ ZEN WISDOM" The Essence of Zen Anthology of Quotations ~the five miles press

Wednesdays are Wonderful Mid-week Madness! Trying to get are work done so we can have more weekend fun. I would like to dedicate our Wednesdays together and call them "Wonderful Wednesday Words of Wisdom!"

"Sit quietly do nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. ~ ZEN WISDOM" The Essence of Zen Anthology of Quotations ~the five miles press

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate; otherwise we harden.~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The only way to make sence out of change is to plunge with it, move with it, and join the dance. ~ Alan Watts

I myself have never been good at change. Even as a child I was better to have the band aide ripped off quickly than to have it slowly pulled. Like Monday when I was told that it would rain on Tuesday and Wednesday, I thought it was very exciting! We really needed the rain! Then to have the rain come so slowly was just so hard to handle. I was expecting to awake Tuesday to pouring rain and yet it didn't come until that night and then it really came down! Like anything else in this life, we can control the weather just as much as we can control the words that come out of the mouths of our children! I hope you enjoy your Wednesday! Stay warm and take care out there!!!

Please Join in the fun! Remember we want to Inspire & not kill the desire! ~ Negativity gets you none & Positivity gets it Done ! Keep It Bubbly xoxox ~ Jeri

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